For nutrients to be absorbed properly and efficiently, you have to basically have an internal “perfect storm.” Meaning that the acid pH in your stomach must be correct and the bacterial content in your stomach must be perfect. Nutrients are absorbed in your intestines. So, everything you eat must pass through your stomach and your liver before it even makes it to where it gets absorbed. Many people have some sort of digestive issues. Things such as bloating, constipation, and acid reflux all affect your body’s ability to absorb nutrients properly and efficiently. A lot of people are malnourished without even knowing it. IV therapy bypasses the stomach, and the absorption rate can be as high as 100% when infusing directly into the blood stream.
For example, Oral vitamin C has a bioavailability of 70-90% when ingested at a moderate intake of 30-180mg/day. Any ingested daily amount higher than 1000mg can decrease the absorption rate to less than 50%. However, ascorbic acid (vitamin c) given IV will be absorbed at a 100% rate. This means that your body will potentially have a boosted immune system to better fight off viruses and bacteria and Bonus! You can even have better anti-aging capabilities.